Monday, June 4, 2012

Blue Doggies & Holding Kittens

Youngest Son wrangling "Blue" Doggie
Commuter Husband and Youngest Son completed 2.5 hours of Operation Kindness training Saturday. Youngest Son can now officially walk the dogs, play with the cats and help out at the no-kill shelter monthly. However, he must have an adult with him till age 13 (3 more years.)

We are ever so conscious of those precious weekend hours. We are trying to align hours allocation with values. Youngest Son needs an activity that is altruistic (don't we all?) and Commuter Husband needs to spend one-on-one time with Youngest Son that is special to just him. Youngest Son also loves animals but we can not have a dog or cat due to Oldest Son's allergies and asthma. So Wallah! Commuter Husband and Youngest Son will spend a few hours each month at Operation Kindness.

Youngest Son came home Saturday morning excitedly telling me all about it "Mommy it was so fun! I got the walk the dogs and hold the kittens. I just need 8 hours volunteering and then I can take training to walk the Blue dogs! And the next training date is next Saturday ..." Green Dogs are the easiest to walk then comes the Blue Dogs and of course Youngest Son wants to walk the dogs that actually walk him!

Yes, Youngest Son embraces all with gusto and a sense of adventure. Thank You for This Child.


  1. Katie and I have been doing this for a year. It's the perfect parent-child quality time. We're doing good and enjoying being together.

    1. We were so excited when we "found" this opportunity. I agree that it is perfect for the right kid and right parent. Perhaps my guys will run into you girls one of these weekends. I will reveal that I am not so much a pet person so very, very thankful Commuter Husband is doing this with Youngest Son. And Oldest Son goes into immediate allergy spasms when he enters OK!

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  3. Steve and Ethan did the same thing. Ethan loves it. Too bad they aren't doing it at the same place.

    1. I can see how Ethan would be so great at this kind of volunteering!

      Hey - Someday maybe we will live in the same "hood" :)
